The Eccentric Belle of Cypress Lawn
If a lady ever deserved to be called “hot,” it was “Firebelle Lil.”
The Accidental Philanthropist
Imagine this. Your father is one of the wealthiest men in America. You’re twenty-five and madly in love. Said father says: “That woman is only interested in my money, not […]
Cypress Lawn Crossword Puzzle
The nice thing about doing a crossword puzzle is, you know there is a solution. ~ Stephen Sondheim, composer and lyricist
Earth Angel
There are no fifty acres in the world more angelic than the East side of Cypress Lawn Memorial Park. What is even more remarkable is that with few […]
Babylon At Cypress Lawn
Beach Blanket Babylon has been running continuously to sold-out audiences in San Francisco since June 1974. That earns it the distinction of the longest running musical revue in theatre history. […]
Celebration of Bacchus: The Signorello Memorial
There are many winemakers at rest at Cypress Lawn, but only one revels in the legendary glory of the grape.
Cypress Lawn Blog: The Great Pyramid Of Wisdom At Cypress Lawn
Many have gazed with wonderment at the Whittell monument in Cypress Lawn. Six feet square at the base and equal in height, it is a miniature of […]
CYPRESS LAWN BLOG: His Master’s Voice: Pet Memorials
Memorials for pets are at least as poignant and sentimental as those for humans, which we will soon see. But first, many want to know if your pet can be […]
Who Are The Three Most Important People Buried At Cypress Lawn? Pick From This List
This is, of course, a subjective question. What is important? Do we mean the best known? The richest? The most talented? The one who had the largest acclaim during […]
CYPRESS LAWN BLOG: Eccentric, Out-Of-The-Box Celebrity Tombstones
Going out with style and humor.